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发表于 2018-1-12 17:12:00 | 只看该作者
The First Lesson

A: Do you often go to the cinema?
B: No, but I'm going to see a film this afternoon.  I'm not going to have any lessons.

A: Do they often go to the cinema?
B: No, but they're going to see a film this afternoon. They aren't going to have any lessons.

A: Does Mary often go to the cinema?
B: No, but she's going to see a film this afternoon. She isn't going to have any lessons.

A: Are you going to have geography this year?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Is Kate going to have geography, too?
B: Yes, I think so.(No, I don't think so.)

A: Are you going to have geography this term?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Are they going to have geography. too?
B: Yes, I think so.(No, I don't think so.)

A: Are you going to have geography next year?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Is your brother going to have geography. too?
B: Yes, I think so.(No, I don't think so.)

A: What are you going to do this evening?
B: I'm going to write some letters.
A: What's Jane going to do?
B: She's going to do her lessons.

A: What are you going to do this Sunday?
B: I'm going to write some letters.
A: What's Jane going to do?
B: She's going to play volleyball.

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?
B: I'm going to write some letters.
A: What's Jane going to do?
B: She's going to play tennis.

It's September, and we're back at school. It's good to see all my teachers and friends again. They all look fine.
We're in Grade Two this year. We're going to have a new subject --- physics. I hear physics isn't easy. I'm going to work hard at it. I'm not very good at maths, but Wei Fang says she's going to help me. I think I can do better than last year.
I like English very much. I always work hard at it. This year I'm going to do more speaking. Zhang Hong likes English too, but he needs help. I'm going to help him.
This term I'm going to work for the wall-newspaper. My classmates say I draw well, and my handwriting is good. It's interesting work, and I like it.
I'm going to do my best this year.

At page 1, 2, 3, 4, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School

(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-15 11:38:48 | 只看该作者
The Second Lesson
A: What are you doing over there? Are you drawing a picture?
B: No. I'm reading the newspaper.
A: When are you going to draw the picture then?
B: This evening.

A: What are you doing over there? Are you doing your homework?
B: No. I'm reading the newspaper.
A: When are you going to do your homework then?
B: This evening.

A: What are you doing over there? Are you writing a letter to Grandpa?
B: No. I'm reading the newspaper.
A: When are you going to write the letter then?
B: This evening.
A: What are they going to do the day after tomorrow?
B: They're going to have a volleyball match.
A: Where are they going to have it?
B: They're going to have it on the playground.

A: What are they going to do this Sunday morning?
B: They're going to have a volleyball match.
A: Where are they going to have it?
B: They're going to have it in our school.

A: What are they going to do next Saturday afternoon?
B: They're going to have a volleyball match.
A: Where are they going to have it?
B: They're going to have it at the Children's Palace.
A: Are we going to have a meeting this week?
B: Yes, we are.
A: Who's going to speak at the meeting?
B: Our teacher is, I think.

A: Are we going to have a talk this week?
B: Yes, we are.
A: Who's going to give the talk?
B: Comrade Wu is, I think.

A: Are we going to have an English film this week?
B: Yes, we are.
A: Who's going to buy the tickets?
B: Li Ping is, I think.
Zhang Hong: It's Sunday tomorrow, you know. What are you going to do?
Wang Lin: I'm going to watch a volleyball match in the Capital Stadium. It's between a Japanese team and a Chinese team.
Zhang Hong: That's great. What time is it going to be?
Wang Lin: At four o'clock in the afternoon. I have two tickets here. I can let you have one. You want to go, don't you?
Zhang Hong: Of course I do, but I can't. We're going to have a table tennis match tomorrow afternoon.
Wang Lin: I see. Who are you going to play?
Zhang Hong: A team from the No. 7 Middle School.
Wang Lin: Where are you going to have the match?
Zhang Hong: At the Children's Palace. By the way, where's Li Ping, do you know?
Wang Lin: He's at home. Why?
Zhang Hong: He's got my bat. I must get it back from him.
Wang Lin: His home isn't far from here. I think you can find him at home.
Zhang Hong: Right. I'd better go and look for him now. See you later.
Wang Lin: See you later.

At page 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-15 11:44:36 | 只看该作者
The Third Lesson
A: Can you skate?
B: No, I can't, but John can

A: Can you dance?
B: No, I can't, but they can

A: Can you answer this question?
B: No, I can't, but my sister can.

A: Can you be here at eight tomorrow morning?
B: Sorry, I can't be here so early.

A: Can you be ready at eight tomorrow morning.
B: Sorry, I can't be ready so early.

A: Can you be back at eight tomorrow morning?
B: Sorry, I can't be back so early.

A: Excuse me, may I look at that book?
B: Certainly. Here you are.

A: Excuse me, may I have a glass of water?
B: Certainly. Here you are.

A: Excuse me, may I use your pen?
B: Certainly. Here you are.

A: Must I finish my homework now?
B: Yes, you must. (No, you needn't. You may go home now.)

A: Must I clean the room now?
B: Yes, you must. (No, you needn't. You may go home now.)

A: Must I stay here now?
B: Yes, you must. (No, you needn't. You may go home now.)

It's four o'clock in the afternoon. Liu Ying is at the library. She's going to borrow some books. She's speaking to the assistant.
Liu Ying: Good afternoon!
Assistant: Good afternoon! Can I help you?
Liu Ying: Do you have "From Earth to Moon"?
Assistant: Let me see … Ah, here it is.
Liu Ying: Thank you. How long may I keep it?
Assistant: Two weeks.
Liu Ying: Can I keep it a little longer?
Assistant: Yes, you can. But you must come and renew it if you can't finish it in time.
Liu Ying: Must I bring the book back for that?
Assistant: Yes, you must. And you mustn't lend it to others.
Liu Ying: All right, I won't. May I look at some of the new books?
Assistant: Certainly. They're over there.
I will not spoil this little book,
Nor drop it on the floor;
I will not turn its corners down,
To spoil it more and more.
My book's a little friend to me,
And so a friend to it I'll be.

At page 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-15 11:49:34 | 只看该作者
The Fourth Lesson
A: Where is Mr Green?
B: Sorry. I don't know. He was here a moment ago.

A: Where is Mary?
B: Sorry, I don't know. She was here a moment ago.

A: Where are Jack and Mike?
B: Sorry, I don't know. They were here a moment ago.

A: Was your father at home yesterday morning?
B: Yes, he was.(No, he wasn't. He was at work.)

A: Was your father at home yesterday afternoon?
B: Yes, he was.(No, he wasn't. He was at work.)

A: Was your father at home last night?
B: Yes, he was.(No, he wasn't. He was at work.)

A: Were they busy yesterday evening?
B: Yes, they were. (No, they weren't.)

A: Were they back at seven yesterday evening?
B: Yes, they were. (No, they weren't.)

A: Were they late for the meeting yesterday evening?
B: Yes, they were. (No, they weren't.)

A: When were you born?
B: I was born in January, 1969.
A: Where were you born?
B: I was born in Wuhan.

A: When were you born?
B: I was born in February, 1970.
A: Where were you born?
B: I was born in Guangzhou.

A: When were you born?
B: I was born on April 2, 1969.
A: Where were you born?
B: I was born in Tianjin.
Mrs Black: Hello!
Mary: Hello! May I speak to John?
Mrs Black: Sorry, John isn't in.
Mary: Is that Mrs Black speaking?
Mrs Black: Yes, Who's that?
Mary: This is Mary, Mrs Black. I called at four thirty this afternoon, but nobody was in.
Mrs Black: Oh, we were all out. John wasn't back home then. Mr Black and I were at the cinema. Can I take a message for John?
Mary: Yes, please. John asked me to help him with his lessons this evening. I'm afraid I can't do that today. Mother is ill. I have to look after her at home.
Mrs Black: I'm sorry to hear that. Just stay at home and take good care of your mother. Don't worry about John. You can help him later, can't you?
Mary: Yes, Please tell John about it.
Mrs Black: OK.
Mary: Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!
Mrs Black: Good-bye!

At page 30, 31, 32, 33, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-15 11:55:46 | 只看该作者

The Fifth Lesson


A: What time do you usually get up in the morning?
B: I get up at six. But I didn't get up so early this morning. I got up at a quarter to seven.

A: What time do they usually get up in the morning?
B: They get up at six. But they didn't get up so early this morning. They got up at a quarter to seven.

A: What time does he usually get up in the morning?
B: He gets up at six. But he didn't get up so early this morning. He got up at a quarter to seven.

A: What time does she usually get up in the morning?
B: She gets up at six. But she didn't get up so early this morning. She got up at a quarter to seven.

A: Did your father go to work early yesterday?
B: Yes, he did. He went to work at six.
A: Did he have lunch at home?
B: No, he didn't. He had it at the factory.

A: Did your father go to work early yesterday?
B: Yes, he did. He went to work at six.
A: Did he stop work early?
B: No, he didn't He stopped work quite late.

A: Did your father go to work early yesterday?
B: Yes, he did. He went to work at six.
A: Did he come back early?
B: No, he didn't. He came back quite late.

A: Did you have a meeting after school?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do?
B: I played the violin.

A: Did you have a meeting after school?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do?
B: I helped my brother with his biology.

A: Did you have a meeting after school?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do?
B: I planted trees with my classmates.

A: Did you have a meeting after school?
B: No, I didn't.
A: What did you do?
B: I carried water for Grandpa Li.


Long, long ago there lived a king. He loved horses. One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse. The artist said, "All right, but you must wait." So the king waited. He waited and waited. At last, after a year he could not wait any longer. He went to see the artist himeself.
Quickly the artist brought out paper and a brush. In five minutes he finished drawing a very beautiful horse. The king was angry. "You can draw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year. Why?"
"Come with me, please," said the artist. They went to the artist's workroom. There the king saw piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse. "It took me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes," the artist said.


Do your best, your very best,

And do it every day ---

Little boys and little girls,

That is the wisest way.

No matter what you try to do,

At home or at your school,

Always do year very best ---

There is no better rule.

At page 39, 40, 41, 42, 49, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School

(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-16 11:54:22 | 只看该作者
The sixth Lesson
A: What day was yesterday?
B: It was Tuesday.
A: What was the date?
B: It was July 4th.

A: What day was yesterday?
B: It was Tuesday.
A: What was the date?
B: It was August 2nd.

A: What day was yesterday?
B: It was Tuesday.
A: What was the date?
B: It was November 3rd.

A: What day was yesterday?
B: It was Tuesday.
A: What was the date?
B: It was December 21st.

A: How many classes did you have yesterday afternoon?
B: We had two.
A: What classes did you have?
B: We had history and politics.

A: How many classes did you have yesterday afternoon?
B: We had two.
A: What classes did you have?
B: We had P.E. and English.

A: How many classes did you have yesterday afternoon?
B: We had two.
A: What classes did you have?
B: We had physics and biology.

A: What did Alice do the day before yesterday?
B: She went to the cinema.
A: Who did she go with?
B: She went with her classmates.

A: What did Alice do the day before yesterday?
B: She visited the History Museum.
A: Who did she go with?
B: She went with her classmates.

A: What did Alice do the day before yesterday?
B: She climbed the hills.
A: Who did she go with?
B: She went with her classmates.

A: What time did they get to the park last Monday?
B: At about nine.
A: How long did they stay there?
B: They stayed there for half an hour.

A: What time did they get to the zoo last Monday?
B: At about nine.
A: How long did they stay there?
B: They stayed there for three hours.

A: What time did they get to the museum last Monday?
B: At about nine.
A: How long did they stay there?
B: They stayed there for two hours.
More than one hundred years ago there was a great French scientist with the name Ampere.
One day, Mr Ampere went out for a walk in the street. There were a lot of people and much noise there. But all this was nothing to him. He was thinking about a maths problem. He had no paper with him. How could he work it out?
Just then, he saw a blackboard in front of him. He ran up to it at once. He took out a piece of chalk and wrote his problem on the blackboard. Then he started to work on it. The blackboard moved a little, but he did not notice it. The blackboard moved on. Mr Ampere moved with it. The blackboard started to move away faster and faster. Mr Ampere could not keep up with it any longer. He stopped to have a look.
What did he see? Why, the "blackboard" was NOT a blackboard. It was the back of a carriage!

At page 50, 51, 52, 53, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-16 11:56:56 | 只看该作者
The Seventh Lesson
October 22nd, Saturday                                                                                                                                                                         Cloudy
There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all went to the Summer Palace. They had a good time, but I didn't go.
After lunch Aunt Huang came in. She looked worried. "Grandma is ill," she said. "I must take her to the hospital. But my baby, … I can't leave her by herself."
Mother and Dad were not at home. So I said, "Don't worry. I can look after her."
"Thank you. Xiao Ping. Thank you." Then she left.
The baby was about ten months old. At first she was asleep. Half an hour later she woke up. She couldn't find her mother and began to cry. "Don't cry," I said. I talked to her. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I turned on the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. After a few minutes she started to cry again. "Listen to me," I said. I stared to sing. The baby watched and listened. She didn't cry any more. Then I made faces and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed and laughed.
All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things. When Aunt Huang came back, I was so tired.
In the evening Wang Lin came to see me. I told him the whole story. He laughed. "You're great! I'm going to tell everyone. I'm going to tell them 'Bring your babies to Li Ping. He can take good care of your babies.'"

At page 62, 63, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-21 11:06:18 | 只看该作者
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The Ninth Lesson
A: Which picture is more beautiful?
B: The one on the left, I think.

A: Which picture is more interesting?
B: The one on the right, I think.

A: Which picture is more expensive?
B: The one on the left, I think.

A: Which lesson is the most difficult in Book Two?
B: Lesson 15 is. Don't you think so?

A: Which lesson is the most interesting in Book Two?
B: Lesson 13 is. Don't you think so?

A: Which lesson is the most instructive in Book Two?
B: Lesson 6 is. Don't you think so?

A: Tom draws better than Peter.
B: You're quite right. He draws the best in our class.

A: Tom jumps higher than Peter.
B: You're quite right. He jumps the highest in our class.

A: Tom writes more carefully than Peter.
B: You're quite right. He writes the most carefully in our class.

A: Is Joan as tall as Kate?
B: No, she isn't. She isn't quite as tall as Kate.
(Yes, she's just as tall as Kate.)

A: Is Joan as strong as Kate?
B: No, she isn't. She isn't quite as strong as Kate.
(Yes, she's just as strong as Kate.)

A: Is Joan as careful as Kate?
B: No, she isn't. She isn't quite as careful as Kate.
(Yes, she's just as careful as Kate.)
Son: Look, Dad! How bright and near the moon looks tonight!
Father: But it isn't as near as it looks.
Son: I know it's far away from the earth.
Father: It's three hundred and eighty thousand kilometres away.
Son: How far is that?
Father: Well, it takes more than three days to get there by spaceship.
Son: A spaceship flies very, very fast, doesn't it?
Father: Yes. It flies at about eleven kilometres a second. In 1969 two Americans got to the moon by spaceship. That was one of the most exciting moments of that year.
Son: They didn't find any living things there, did they?
Father: No, they didn't. It's too hot in the day and too cold at night. And there's no air or water there. Nothing can live on the moon.
Son: I hear walking on the moon is more difficult. It's like jumping and flying. Is that so?
Father: Yes, isn't that interesting! Everything is much lighter on the moon. You can jump much higher on the moon than on the moon.
Son: I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day. It must be great fun.
O, look at the moon!
Round and bright up there.
O, Mother, it looks
Like a lamp in the air.
Last week it was smaller
And shaped like a bow,
But now it's grown bigger
And round live an O.

At page 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 85, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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发表于 2018-1-21 11:18:00 | 只看该作者
The Tenth Lesson
A: It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?
B: Yes, it was. But it's much warmer today.

A: It was hot yesterday, wasn't it?
B: Yes, it was. But it's much cooler today.

A: It was sunny yesterday, wasn't it?
B: Yes, it was. But it's cloudy and windy today.

A: You were tired after the sports meet, weren't you?
B: Yes, but only a little. Now I'm fine.

A: You were tired after the football match, weren't you?
B: Yes, but only a little. Now I'm all right.

A: You were tired after running, weren't you?
B: Yes, but only a little. Now I'm much better.

A: You don't often go home late. But you went home late yesterday, didn't you?
B: Yes, I did. I helped Liu Ying with her English.

A: You don't often go home late. But you went home late yesterday, didn't you?
B: Yes, I did. I had a long talk with the teacher.

A: You don't often go home late. But you went home late yesterday, didn't you?
B: Yes, I did. I waited for Wei Fang.

A: Your mother often goes to see your grandma. She went to see her last Sunday too, didn't she?
B: No, she didn't. She stayed at home and cleaned the house.

A: Your mother often goes to see your grandma. She went to see her last Sunday too, didn't she?
B: No, she didn't. She stayed at home and did some washing.

A: A: Your mother often goes to see your grandma. She went to see her last Sunday too, didn't she?
B: No, she didn't. She took me to the park.
A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought: "I know a little English. I think people can understand me."
One morning he went to visit the Science Museum. At noon he was tired and hungry. He went to the nearest restaurant and sat down at the table. He wanted to have a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him and asked, "Can I help you, sir?"
"A cup of tea and … " he could not remember the English word for eggs. He looked around him, but nobody was eating eggs.
Then he saw a magazine on the table next to him. There was a picture of a cock on its cover. He showed the picture to the waiter.
"What's the English for this?" he asked.
"A cock, sir," answered the waiter.
"What do you call a cock's wife?" was the next question.
"A hen, sir."
"And what do you call a hen's children?"
"Chicks, sir."
"And what do you call chicks before they're born?"
"Eggs, sir."
"Very well," said the French student. "Bring me two eggs, two eggs and a cup of tea, please." And he sat back with a smile on his face.
I met a little friend
Who came from another land.
I couldn't speak his language,
But I took him by the hand.

We sang together
And had a lot of fun!
Singing is a language
You can speak with anyone.

At page 86, 87, 88, 89, 95, Book 3, The English Textbooks Series for Junior Secondary School
(The 1st Edition, Published by the People's Educations Press, Oct. 1982)

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