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发表于 2017-7-3 11:14:42 | 只看该作者

A: Look, what's this?
B: It's a ship.
A: No, it's a sheep. These are all sheep. They're white sheep. What are those?
B: Why, they're sheep, too. They're black sheep.
A: No, they aren't sheep. They're goats.

Selected from page 43 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
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发表于 2017-7-3 11:21:01 | 只看该作者

Kate: What's in that box, Mum?
Mum: Shoes. New shoes for you.
Kate: New shoes for me! What colour are they?
Mum: Guess.
Kate: Are they white?
Mum: No, they aren't.
Kate: Are they red?
Mum: No.
Kate: Are they green, then?
Mum: No. Look, they're blue.
Kate: How nice! Thank you, Mum.

Selected from page 51 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
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发表于 2017-7-3 11:28:11 | 只看该作者

Kate: Hello, Joan.
Joan: Hello, Kate.
Kate: Joan, this is Mike. He's a new student.
Joan: Hello, Mike.
Mike: Hello, Joan.
Mike: Whose seat is this?
Kate: It's Joan's. Your seat is over there.

Selected from page 57 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School (The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)



A: Look at this picture, Li Ping.
B: Oh, it's an old picture. Who's this man?
A: He's my father.
B: Oh, your father?
A: Yes. He's a teacher. And this is my mother.
B: Is she a teacher, too?
A: No. She's a worker.
B: Who's this baby?
A: Guess!
B: Is it your brother?
A: No.
B: Your sister?
A: No.
B: Then it's you! Ha ha!
A: Yes, it's me.

Selected from page 68 to page 69 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School (The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
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发表于 2017-7-3 11:37:27 | 只看该作者

My Family

I am a British boy. My name is Mike. I am twelve. My sister's name is Rose. She is fourteen. Rose and I are students. We like school.

My father is teacher. He is a teacher of English. My mother is a nurse. They work hard. My little brother's name is Jack. He is only four. We all like Jack.

Selected from page 77 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School (The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)

Our classroom

This is our classroom. It is a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map. It is a map of China.
In front of the blackboard there is a big desk. It is for the teacher. There are forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for us students.
What is on the teacher's desk? There are some flowers. They are for our teacher. We like her. She is a good teacher.

Selected from page 91 to page 92 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School (The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)

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发表于 2017-7-3 14:30:59 | 只看该作者

Mike: Where's my cap, Mum?
Mum: Is it in your room?
Mike: No, it isn't.
Mum: Is it on the desk?
Mike: No, it isn't.
Mum: Why, Mike, it's right on your head!
Grandma: Where are my glasses, Mike?
Mike: Are they on the table?
Grandma: No, they aren't.
Mike: Are they in your bag?
Grandma: No, they aren't.
Mike: Why, Grandma, they're right on your nose!

Selected from page 85 to page 86 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)



A: How many people are there in your family, Wang Lin?
B: There are five, my grandpa, my father, my mother, my sister and I.
A: Is your grandpa a worker?
B: Oh no. He's old. He's seventy.
A: What's your father?
B: He's a maths teacher in the No. 19 Middle School.
A: Are there many students in his class?
B: Yes. There are forty-six.
A: Is your mother a teacher, too?
B: No. She's a doctor.
A: And your sister?
B: She's a driver, a bus-driver.
A: How old is she?
B: She's twenty-three.

Selected from page 104 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)



An English Class

Li: Stand up, please.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.
Students: Good morning, teacher!
Teacher: Sit down, please. Are all the students here today, Li Ping?
Li: Yes.
Teacher: Oh, Wei Fang. How are you today?
Wei: I'm all right, thank you.
Teacher: That's good. Wang Lin, what day is today?
Wang: Today is Monday.
Teacher: How many days are there in this month?
Wang: There are thirty-one.
Teacher: That's right Come to the blackboard, Liu Ying. Write "Monday" and "month" on it, please.
Teacher: Good. Now, go back to your seat. Boys and girls, open your books and turn to page 89. Let's read Lesson 18.

Selected from page 111 to page 112 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
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发表于 2017-7-3 14:43:42 | 只看该作者
A Rhyme

Good, better, best,
Never let it rest,
Till good is better,
And better, best.

Selected from page 97 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
A Rhyme

Twelve good hours in every day,
Time for work and time for play;
Twenty-four for day and night,
Some for darkness, some for light.

Selected from page 109 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
A Rhyme

Tick, tock, tick, tock,
Merrily sings the clock.
It's time for work,
It's time for play.
And it sings
Through all day.
Tick, tock, tick, tock,
Merrily sings the clock.

Selected from page 124 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)
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发表于 2017-7-3 14:51:23 | 只看该作者
Supplementary Readings
1. A new classmate

Jack: Good morning, sir.
Mr Green: Good morning, Jack.
Jack: Mr Green, this is Tom White.
Mr Green: How do you do, Tom?
Tom: How do you do, sir?
Mr Green: This is Tom White, boys and girls. Is there a seat for Tom?
Mike: No, sir. There are thirty-three of us, and there are only thirty-three desks and chairs here.
Mr Green: Jack and Mike, please go to the next room and get a desk and a chair for Tom.
Jack & Mike: Yes, sir.
Mike: Here's a desk for you, Tom.
Jack: And here's your chair.
Tom: Thank you very much. …Oh, this chair is too small for me, Mr Green.
Mr Green: Sit on it this morning, Tom. Jack, please get a bigger chair for Tom this afternoon.
Jack: Yes, sir.

Selected from page 139 to page 140 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School
(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)

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发表于 2017-7-3 15:59:25 | 只看该作者
Supplementary Readings

2. Grace and Joan

Mike: Look at that girl down there.

Tom: Which one?

Mike: The girl with fair hair in a blue dress. Who is she?

Tom: Oh, that's Grace. She's new in our school.

Paul: Her name isn't Grace. Her name is Joan.

Tom: Her name is Grace, Paul. I'm sure.

Mike: Come on. Let's go and ask her.

Tom: Hi, Grace.

Girl: Hi. But I'm not Grace. I'm Joan.

Paul: You see, Tom, her name is Joan. Where are you going, Joan?

Girl: To the teacher's room.

Paul: See you in class then, Joan.

Girl: Right, Paul.

Mike: Look, she's coming back. Hi, Joan.

Girl: Hi. But I'm not Joan. I'm Grace.

Tom: So she has two names.

Mike: All right, Grace or Joan, let's go to class.

Paul: Oh, this girl has two names. But who's that?

Tom: Look at that girl at the window. She has the same hair …

Mike: …and the same blue dress.

Tom: Ha ha! They're twins. Grace and Joan are twins.

Paul: So we have twins in our class!

Selected from page 140 to page 141 in the English Textbook (Book 1) for Junior High School

(The First Edition, People's Education Press, January 1982)

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-7-4 11:16:58 | 只看该作者
无度不丈夫 发表于 2017-7-3 15:59
Supplementary Readings
2. Grace and Joan

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发表于 2017-7-4 13:11:14 | 只看该作者
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